Dr. Orna Guralnik is a Clinical Psychologist. She is currently practicing in New York City. Guralnik is on the faculty at the National Institute for Psychotherapies in NYC.

Dr. Orna Guralnik Age

Details concerning her birthdate and month are unknown. We will update this information once it is available.

Dr. Orna Guralnik Height

Guralnik is a woman of average stature and shape she has however not revealed any details concerning her height. We will update this information once it is available.

Dr. Orna Guralnik Family

Guralnik has not revealed any details concerning her family, it is unknown if she has parents or siblings. We will update this information once it is available.

Dr. Orna Guralnik Husband

Guralnik has kept matters concerning her love life private from the public eye. We will update this information once it is available.

Dr. Orna Guralnik Showtime

Guralnik was apprehensive about working on Showtime’s Couple Therapy. She wasn’t sure if the on-screen treatment would succeed. Regardless, the show is back with a new season after a successful run.The narrative structure immerses viewers in the genuine and instinctive experience of four couples receiving care week after week. On Sunday, April 18, 2021, the new season was released. Get to know the superstar a little better.

There isn’t anything else understood about Guralnik. Despite the fact that she has been seen directing couples’ treatment meetings. Her marital status is unknown to us. Her own subtleties are still kept secret. Since the advisor’s personal life should not be used to misinterpret or misdirect the conference.

She is affiliated with the NYU PostDoctoral Institute for Psychoanalysis and the National Institute of Psychoanalysis. She has also consulted with Lucid Consulting and Worklab Consulting, all of which are research and authoritative therapy organizations.

Dr. Orna Guralnik Salary

Guralnik has not revealed any details concerning her salary. We will update this information once it is available.

Dr. Orna Guralnik Net worth

Guralnik has an estimated net worth ranging between $ 100000- $ 1 million .